Yesterday (Sunday 14th Dec) was our monthly trip to Lopburi, where we lead and preach in church, teach a Bible class, and Lookkaid now leads the children's group too.
(The pic shows some of the children's group giving us a Christmas song in church.)
We feel it's worth the 2 hour drive each way - there are usually 5 or 6 or 7 of us in the car, so that's fun too.
They made a bit of a fuss over us this time, because it is now 2 years since I first preached there. And it is also feeling good just now because the congregation has been growing over the past 2 or 3 months. Usually I'm the only non-Thai person present, but yesterday another (very new) missionary turned up - she's based in Lopburi.
I spoke about the Magi, Matthew 2. The chief priests and scribes knew their scriptures enough to answer the question, but it seems they were not provoked to go to Bethlehem themselves. Didn't believe the foreigners? Scared of Herod? Knew the scriptures but didn't really believe them?
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