Wednesday, 3 December 2008


Hmmm ... this blog thing is STILL a new and strange experience!
I've been doing some "gardening" on this blog page ... got rid of a few weeds, put in a couple of new shrubs ... need to water it a bit more.

And some kind people have been asking how all the trouble in Bangkok has affected us. Really 99% of the people in Bangkok are just getting on with life as usual.
Amy had to spend 8 hours on the road each way, instead of one hour in the plane, to get to her work project in Chiang Mai this week. I had one taxi driver say he would not take me to a particular destination in Bangkok - he said it was because of "the mob", but it might have been because he wanted to go the opposite direction to get home for lunch - and the next taxi took me there quite happily.

Of course we are all talking about it a lot. Today is the day when, apparently, the protesters are vacating the airport(s ?).

Meanwhile I'd better get some work done on the Bible study (Exodus) for tonight.

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