Wednesday, 13 June 2007

update June 07

blog update: June 07

In this edition:
1. praying
2. a great break in NSW
3. back to work
4. longer term thinking
5. visitors
6. where am I?

1. praying
"Our Father in heaven …
May your name be honoured
Give us today our daily bread
and forgive us our sins …"
(I taught Luke 11:1-13 at Lopburi last Sunday, and plan to teach it again this Sunday at a Bible class at Taopoon Church.)

This simple prayer is known to so many in the western world, but known to very few Thais. Importantly, Jesus taught his disciples, and can teach us also, to pray … (1) knowing who we are talking to; (2) putting God first; (3) collectively or corporately rather than individualistically; (4) depending on God for even the essentials of life; (5) knowing that, to relate to God at all, we need our sins forgiven. Pray it again today!

2. a great break in NSW
While my Thai language school had a 2 week break in May, I had a great time back in NSW visiting churches, friends and family. Sad to have missed some of you, I am thankful to have caught up with so many. I was encouraged and humbled by your kindness, support (including financial), personal caring friendship, and prayer.

3. back to work
Now I’m “back at work” in Bangkok, at language school and church. Last Sunday I preached again at the little church at Lopburi outside Bangkok, and during the afternoon was pleased to visit Richard and the OMF training facility at Lopburi.
It’s great to have been back at the Wednesday night church prayer meeting these past 2 weeks. And I’m delighted to have found that I’ve not forgotten all my Thai language, and I’m particularly enjoying the study just now.
I’m praying for a wonderful American missionary couple, friends at language school – their biggest difficulty just now is trying to care well for their baby as they both study Thai language full-time.

4. longer term thinking
A few factors mean that I’m now planning to stay here in Bangkok rather longer than I had previously expected. The biggest factors are:
1. Taopoon Church: with the recent resignation of the pastor, and probably a year or more until he is replaced, there is now a big need for me to do more here each week, and lots for me to do; and this church is now less ready to send out a church planting team than I had previously hoped.
2. Language study: I now believe I should study here at language school for longer, in order to gain a greater proficiency in Thai language, so as to be more useful in Thailand in the longer term.
3. Determining the best way forward: I continue in discussion with other Christians and groups, and value your prayers about this. It is clear that there are enormous needs and opportunities for Christian witness and work throughout Thailand.

5. visitors
In the past 3 weeks since my NSW trip, I have enjoyed good times together with 2 couples, good friends from Sydney: Peter & Jill, just after they finished 6 weeks volunteer work in Cambodia, and Ian & Ros, en route home from Europe. Such visitors are a great encouragement, and I’m pleased to be expecting more Aussies in the weeks ahead.

6. where am I?
For Google Earth users, and perhaps others with good maps, …
my apartment is at
13° 51’ 10” N 100° 32’ 19” E
my church (Taopoon Church) is at
13° 49’ 18” N 100° 31’ 53” E
and my language school is at
13° 45’ 01” N 100° 31’ 47” E
(but the latest Google Earth image I’ve seen on this last one must be at least 2 years old, because it shows the building in its early stages of construction, and the Language School has been in the building for well over a year now.)

1 comment:

Justin said...

Great to hear your news.