Monday, 26 March 2007

Praying together: a practical question

I'd appreciate comments on this one:
When Christians gather together, how should we pray?
1. -- one person talking at a time, everyone else listening, then all having the opportunity to express agreement by saying Amen at the end of a prayer ... then the same person or another person speaking another prayer ... etc
2. -- everybody talking individual prayers to God at the same time, all speoking out loud - which means we all have a bit of an idea that others are praying, and may be some idea about what some of the others (especially the loud ones) are saying, and this means that we can speak a lot more different prayers in a short time ...

In the course of my life so far, when I've experienced Christians praying together, it has almost always been 1. but here in Bangkok a number of churches seem to favour 2 quite a lot.

Which is better? Why? How important is it?

My hunch is that it is not only my personal taste but also Paul's words in 1 Cor 14 that favour 1. over 2.
What do you think?

1 comment:

Justin said...

Def #1. I think that the 1 Cor 14 verse you speak of is applicable here. It is not the same issue, but the same principle.