Friday 2 March 2007

Getting started:
My first message on my first blog!
I'm keen to advance Christian mission in Thailand, as well as let you know what I'm up to - and hopefully those two things will overlap.

Here's a couple of links to some very recent stories on BBC world news about two key problems here in Thailand, both areas where Christians are trying to address the problems.

THIS LINK is to a balanced and helpful BBC story about sex workers in Bangkok.
(It even mentions a Christian response in a positive way.)

Some of the Christian women at my language school are volunteers in a centre helping former street women make a better life.

And THIS LINK is to a BBC story about Burmese refugees who flee into Thailand.

When I was at Christ Church Bangkok 2 years ago I was very much involved in Christian ministry amongst these people. As a consequence of Burma having been occupied by the British in the 1800s and early 1900s, there were lots of Christian missionaries working there, and still today quite a lot of the Burmese are Christians. And since Christians are being persecuted in Burma, they are well represented amongst the Burmese who flee into Thailand.


Justin said...

Hi Andrew. Great to be Number 1 commentor on your Blog! Email me if you'd like a site that will help you to create links for you. Like the BBC one. It will help in getting people to read your links.


Prayers are with you, Andrew.

Justin said...

Here is the result of the email I just sent you:

CLICK HERE for BBC article.

Follow the email advice, and try again in these comments with the second link if you want to practice.